The Three R’s of Anxiety Management By Sushi Frausto, M.A. Occasionally a child’s fear gets so big it’s difficult to manage in the moment. This can be tough for […]
How to Support an Anxious Child By Sushi Frausto, M.A. We all feel anxious sometimes. It is normal and can be a helpful part of life. But, for some kids, […]
It Takes Two to Tango Co-regulate By Sushi Frausto, M.A. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT#101031) We hear the word self-regulation a lot these days, but what does it […]
Art as a Way to Advance Higher Order Thinking Skills By Sushi Frausto, LMFT Participating in artistic processes builds skills that can lead to success in many areas of our […]
Art as Language: Enriching Communication Through Art By Sushi Frausto, LMFT To say art is a language is, in reality, a bit misleading. Art is a process of communication that […]
Art as a Tool for Self-Regulation By Sushi Frausto, LMFT Self-regulation is a person’s ability to adjust, control and manage themselves in a given situation. Self-regulation includes: Being self-aware of […]
GRATITUDE PAPER CHAINS Create a Gratitude Chain with your family. Use colored paper and pre-write a gratitude prompt on each link. Then, tape the links together and hang the chain. Each day, […]