Why do parents enroll their daughters in our Stand Up! Speak Out!® Summer Workshops? By Paige Hobey, MA Some are simply looking for a fun summer activity with creative projects […]
The 8th graders we know are both excited and nervous about the big transition to high school. New opportunities can be thrilling. The unfamiliar and additional stresses can be daunting. […]
Check out Dr. Melissa Johnson introducing our Stand Up! Speak Out!™ Curriculum: https://youtu.be/LUkG2rOwCig
Courtesy of Michael D. Yapko, PH. Here is a valuable list of website resources regarding bullying and how to make a difference.These resources will be of interest to parents, teachers […]
Tips for Discussion with Daughters About Sex with Dr. Melissa Johnson: https://www.kidsinthehouse.com/video/embed/5620 ? For more information on elementary education visit KidsInTheHouse.com
Why Girls Participate in Mean Behavior with Dr. Melissa Johnson: https://www.kidsinthehouse.com/video/embed/5644 ? For more information on elementary education visit KidsInTheHouse.com
How to Help Girls Cope with Friendship Drama: https://www.kidsinthehouse.com/video/embed/5722 ? For more information on elementary education visit KidsInTheHouse.com
Our favorite definition of assertive is “educating others on how you want to be treated.” This is a vital skill for young women today – in friendship, in dating relationships, […]
Relational Aggression Questionnaire Anti-Bullying Strategies in Children’s Literature The Social World of Girls: A Resource Guide Activities for Learning How to Compliment Respect Activities Celebrating Cooperation and Working Together Through […]