Parenting is likely the hardest job on the planet, hands down. And it’s the one job that doesn’t require an interview process, an orientation/training period or annual evaluations. Parenting can […]
Parenting is likely the hardest job on the planet, hands down. And it’s the one job that doesn’t require an interview process, an orientation/training period or annual evaluations. Parenting can […]
The other day as I was rushing through the morning to get my 4 year old prepared for a day at summer camp when I realized in a moment of […]
These are some general resources for parents of growing girls. Clicking on the books will take you to their ordering pages on Amazon.com. Resources for Parents of Elementary, Middle, and […]
For some of us, spring is a time of year when the impulse to do it all and be it all kicks into high gear. The promise of warmer weather […]
February is packed with holidays and meaning. It’s Black History month, National Heart Health month and we honor the birth of a few past U.S. presidents with a Monday off. […]
There is no escaping the attention author Amy Chua has received about her book “Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother”. I’ve been captivated by the discussion, both as a Chinese […]
These are some resources for parents who want to help their daughters learn to think critically about the messages in advertising and media. Clicking on the books will take you […]
Our children may spend a good amount of time talking about “when friends aren’t so friendly.” As parents, educators, and youth advocates, we are often distressed, even alarmed, by children’s […]
Bullying Prevention: Creating a Positive School Climate And Developing Social Competence by Pamela Orpinas and Arthur M. Horne is a rich resource for practical and effective anti-bullying programming. It’s chock full […]
Anti-Bullying Strategies Portrayed in Children’s Literature Stories have the power not only to teach, but also to foster hope and heal the soul. Stories are tied to the imagination, a […]