You can find these books at your school or community library. Or, click on the books to order them through Indigo Dreams by Lori Lite Indigo Ocean Dreams […]
You can find these books at your school or community library. Or, click on the books to order them through Stress Relief for Kids by Marti Belknap Stressed-Out […]
Chill-Time “Just relax! Easier said than done? Being a teen today you know there is plenty to worry and stress out about. Even so, you can fit some chill-time into […]
Just relax! Easier said than done? Being a teen today you know there is plenty to worry and stress out about. Even so, you can fit some chill-time into your […]
Here are some cool books about some of the difficult parts of friendships and the ways we are treated by other people. Odd Girl Speaks Out: Girls Write about Bullies, […]
Here are some websites to explore: Multicultural Golf Association of America, Inc. This organization partners with schools and community-based programs to help inner-city youth. Young people between the ages […]
Here are some books and websites for you! You can find these books at your school or community library. Or, click on the books to order them through Girls […]
Recently, Amy spent the day with young women at a local high school. The girls shared their wisdom about the biggest issues facing girls today – and the strategies girls […]
This is what some young women say about what helps them survive and thrive: Be true to myself – do what’s right for ME! Talking to friends Talking to a […]
The role of the writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. — Anais Nin Most of the basic material a […]