Welcome! We’re excited about our special summer programs for girls, teens and young adults! Do you know a middle school girl who enjoys expressing herself through creativity? She just may be […]
Dr. Johnson discusses 4 tips to help find the right therapist for you: https://youtu.be/AgcJkGgHxKI
Starting a new career in your 20’s can be an amazing time filled with so much promise. There is much to learn and experience. But, how do you maintain your […]
Social and Emotional Learning Resources Social-Emotional Learning Resources for the Classroom Social and Emotional Learning Skill Sets Vroman’s Bookstore: Recommended Book Lists Pre-K through 5th grade Middle School through High […]
Praise Song for the Day Elizabeth Alexander Each day we go about our business, walking past each other, catching each other’s eyes or not, about to speak or speaking. All […]
The day has finally arrived. You have spent many waking hours working on college applications, writing personal statements, completing the SATs, and deciding which college you are going to attend. […]
What are your favorite poems that celebrate the body? Today like every other day We wake up empty and scared. Don’t open the door of your study And begin reading. […]
This list of resources is a companion to the articles found here: Navigating Your First Year in College and Helping Your Daughter Successfully Navigate Her First Year of College, by Monica Valdivia Aguilar, […]