Teaching Belly Breathing to Your Child with Dr. Melissa Johnson: https://www.kidsinthehouse.com/video/embed/5618 ? For more information on elementary education visit KidsInTheHouse.com Original publish date September 2013.
It Takes Two to Tango Co-regulate By Sushi Frausto, M.A. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT#101031) We hear the word self-regulation a lot these days, but what does it […]
Art as a Way to Advance Higher Order Thinking Skills By Sushi Frausto, LMFT Participating in artistic processes builds skills that can lead to success in many areas of our […]
Being a parent is tough work! Wise Mind Parenting is a new group for parents of teens and young adults who want to find new ways to understand and navigate […]
Watch video here: https://youtu.be/LfP8sCxaMOw

Parenting is likely the hardest job on the planet, hands down. And it’s the one job that doesn’t require an interview process, an orientation/training period or annual evaluations. Parenting can […]

The other day as I was rushing through the morning to get my 4 year old prepared for a day at summer camp when I realized in a moment of […]
Being the mother of two preschool age children, I have an abundance of artwork in my home. Everyday my kids are coming home with new projects into which poured their […]
I had a perfectly warm and fun weekend with friends and family. We picnicked with our toes in the grass, gathered odd pieces of nature into “collections” as my daughter […]
What is more empowering for educators and students than being equipped with tools to develop effective and satisfying social & emotional lives in and out of school, cope with stress, […]